Thursday, March 17, 2005


Who Needs Caribou Anyways?

It seems the way has been opened for drilling in ANWR. Bush and his oily friends must be wetting themselves, they've been fantasizing about this day forever. Three Democratic Senators helped make it possible, 2 from Hawaii which seems to be a case of big oil money greasing the wheels, and Mary L. Landrieu of Louisiana. This last I find perversely funny on several levels. One because I think we all have this stereotype of the Louisiana politician in the pocket of Big Oil, and two because I've lived in Louisiana and I know what an environmental disaster it is.


Have you seen pictures of the ANWR drill site? It has got to be one of the most, if not the most, barren wastelands on Earth.
Wow, that's really scientific! and convincing! However, according to Defenders of Wildlife among others:

"About 160 bird species, including species that visit each of the lower 48 states, find breeding, nesting or resting places on the coastal plain. The plain is the most important on-shore denning area in the United States for polar bears. It is the principal calving ground of the 130,000-strong migratory Porcupine caribou herd, the second largest caribou herd in the United States and a key source of food, clothing and medicine for the Gwich’in Indians, one of the world’s few remaining subsistence cultures. Grizzly bears, wolverines, wolves, arctic foxes, whales and other species also thrive in the region."

So "barren wasteland" must be a relative term
One man's barren wasteland is another 10,000 species paradise.
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